This portfolio contains all of the work that I have done throughout this semester for this class. After this page comes the the Introductory Essay, then the narrative, then summary and response, abstract, interview, research paper, the poems, and then lastly the run on paragraph. I felt like I did my best work on the narrative. it was a purely creative piece and was fun to make. The poems and run on paragraphs were personal so I never felt comfortable writing or sharing them. My first real assignment in this class was the Narrative, and as I stated previously I felt it was my best work. I was forced to read a Nigerian folktale about a beautiful girl named Akim and seven jealous girls. Then I adapted it myself and then I made multiple analytical responses to its themes. My Summary & Response and Research Paper was based off the theme of social comparison throughout the story. In order to prepare for these essays I did copious amount of research, in order to help prove my thesis. I used the EBSCO research site in order to obtain academic journals relevant to my thesis and then I used http://www.citationmachine.net to cite these sources in order to not plagiarize. My citations can be found at the end of my research paper. Also in order to better our writing, our great teacher Professor Stoler had us peer edit our first drafts. This was very beneficial to me to catch stupid grammatical errors and stupid phrasing. It also made me realize that I have to reads what I write because sometimes I write total bullshit. Also the brilliant,Professor Stoler helped us to limit our use of the passive voice through a little workshop that we did. This helped me so much, however I still have issues with it. This course made me recognize that I still have much to grow as a writer (especially in research/academic writing), and I hope to use the skills that I learned here in the future. Lastly I added pictures of Link, Hashirama, and Isaac Netero, because of my love for anime and video games.